Judges’ Outcome: A step closer to announcing this year’s BNB! recipient
Last week, our three independent judges (photographed above from left to right in the top row: Jen Brown, Frank Rimalovski and Diane Hagerman) gathered virtually to assess the top seven semi-finalists in contention to be this year’s recipient of Brand New Brand! All three of our experts brought different perspectives to the table that contributed to an invaluable conversation.
“In light of recent events, such as COVID, it’s great to see organizations doing work that is so relevant and needed over the next 10–15 years.” —Jen Brown, Operations Manager at Kids in Crisis (former BNB! recipient) & pro-bono BNB! judge
While everyone at the table agreed that all seven of the semi-finalists were doing great work, our judges narrowed down the list to the top three candidates that would meet the requirements and move on to the final stage of the selection process—a one-on-one dialogue with each organization’s Founder and/or Executive Director. In order to gain more insight into the impact that Brand New Brand! could provide, a list of well thought-out questions for each organization based on their wants and needs was developed by our judges and IOP team.
Stay tuned for the announcement of this round’s BNB! recipient in early June.